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Runtime 100.5 is here!

04-10-2019 04:00 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
1 4 991

The latest release of the Runtime SDK for iOS is here (see the release notes, and the general announcement over on the ArcGIS Blog), and it brings with it a slew of great new features, and some cool new internals that pave the way for even more goodness in future releases.

Some highlights from the iOS perspective:

  • We're now promoting the use of the Dynamic Framework for integrating ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS into your projects (and have deprecated the Static framework, which will be removed in a future release). This is Apple's preferred approach and matches what CocoaPods has been doing since Runtime 100.1. It also makes integration with the project simpler (e.g. you no longer explicitly add ArcGIS.bundle to your projects). See Configure your Xcode Project in the iOS SDK Guide.
  • In alignment with Apple's policies and since 100.5 now requires iOS 11 or higher, support for 32-bit devices has been dropped. You shouldn't notice any change as a developer, but it means means that the SDK installer package is now much smaller to download!
  • If you've been using custom views in an AGSCallout, the Runtime now makes use of AutoLayout to fit the view. See this release note.

This is not specific to the iOS Runtime SDK, but if you work with selections in your map view, please note the new behavior we have introduced at 100.5. These changes were brought about as we prepare for significant features down the line (including Metal support).

As has been mentioned before, 100.5 is the last release of the dedicated Runtime SDK for macOS.

The Samples app and Toolkit have already been updated for 100.5, and the Open Source apps will be update shortly (Data Collection already has been!).

We hope you enjoy the new release! Let us know what you're building with it.

About the Author
Product Manager for the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps, focusing on the Swift SDK, as well as the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines. My background is in computer science, but my professional career has always been GIS, in particular Utilities.