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Java Maps SDK support for Java 21

10-30-2023 04:49 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
3 3 557

With the recent long-term support (LTS) release of Java 21, JavaFX 21 and support for the new JDK coming in the 8.4 release of Gradle, the Java Maps SDK team have been busy testing our 200.2 release to make sure everything is working correctly with this latest LTS version of Java. 

With testing successfully completed, we are pleased to announce the 200.2 release of the Java Maps SDK supports Java 21.  Our system requirements page has been updated and our Gradle starter project has also been modified to ensure it is compatible with Java 21.

The upgrade path for developers wanting to switch to Java 21 is very simple and only the following versions will need updating in your Gradle build scripts:

  • Gradle 8.4
  • JavaFX Gradle Plugin 0.1.0

So, if you want to use Java 21 in your Maps SDK apps, it’s a great time to upgrade to our 200.2 release.