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Integrating the Places Service with the Native Maps SDKs using HTTPS requests

11-16-2023 02:25 AM
Esri Contributor
2 0 345

The places service has recently been added to the rich set of ArcGIS location services for Developers. This new service facilitates a better awareness of location in a given area by letting you search for places, or points of interest. While there is a plan to build an API for the places service in a future version of the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps (Native Maps SDKs), the service follows a REST architectural style and can therefore be integrated with Native Maps SDKs apps today by making HTTPS requests directly.

In this blog post (find it here on the ArcGIS Blog) you will learn:

  • How to construct a URL suitable for making requests to the places service
  • How responses from the places service can be processed and displayed on a map
  • How to request additional information for a place
  • How the places service can be integrated with existing Native Maps SDK geocoding tools

If you are planning on using, or have used the places services in your Native Maps SDKs maps, we'd love to hear your feedback! Let us know in the comments here, or on your Native Maps SDK appropriate Esri Community Forum.  

Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 10.16.10.png