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ArcGIS Runtime Toolkit for Java v100.15 is live!

09-07-2022 07:31 AM
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Esri Contributor
2 0 454

Following the release of version 100.15.0 of the ArcGISRuntime SDK for Java, we are pleased to announce the release of the Java Toolkit v100.15.0.

The Java Toolkit is provided as an open source resource and provides ready to use JavaFX components for your applications that use the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java.

This release includes:

- Addition of an Example App to enable previewing of the components before use, as well as a quick reference for how to implement the components in your applications.
- New component: Utility Network Trace Tool - Enables a utility network trace experience for maps authored with a trace configuration.
- Update to JavaFX version 17 for support of M1 Macs.

v100.15.0 of the Java Toolkit is now available from our Maven server. For more information and to download the Example App, check out the Java toolkit repository on GitHub.

Example App


Example App menu.Example App menu.

The addition of the Example App has led to a restructure of the repository with 2 projects now included - one for the Toolkit itself (arcgis-java-toolkit) which otherwise remains unchanged in structure, and a second project for the Example App (arcgis-java-toolkit-examples). This includes a runnable App from which users can view the components in the toolkit as a quick reference. In turn each Example can be run individually, which can enable more efficient development and a more focused approach to viewing individual tools. The Example App imports the arcgis-java-toolkit project and so enables straightforward testing of any amendments made to the toolkit components as you work. More of the components will be added to the Example App soon.

For more information on how to download and view the Example App, view the Readme on GitHub.

Compass tool example.Compass tool example.

Utility Network Trace Tool


Configuring a new trace.Configuring a new trace.

The Utility Network Trace Tool allows you to load a map with trace configurations, select a trace configuration and identify starting points, and then run a trace. The results are displayed on the map and also within the tool's UI.

Read more about the Tool and background to ArcGIS Runtime Utility Networks functionality via this blog post.

Viewing the trace results.Viewing the trace results.

We hope you enjoy the new release! Let us know what you're building with it in the comments. You can also leave us feedback or suggestions of any future toolkit components you'd like to see as issues in the Toolkit Repo.