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ArcGIS Runtime SDKs at the 2021 Developer Summit

04-05-2021 01:06 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
0 0 506

With Developer Summit being virtual this year, we thought we'd pull together some resources to help you get the most out of the Runtime team and our sessions this year.

Start off by making sure you watch the plenary sessions. There's one each day, and the Runtime will be covered during Tuesday's plenary.

Runtime team members are presenting a number of technical sessions and demo theaters throughout the week. You can find a great rundown of those in this blog post.

And when we're not presenting sessions, we'll be hanging out at the Runtime SDKs channel in the "Ask our Experts" area of the Developer Summit website where you can chat one-on-one with us and really dig into your Runtime questions and feedback.

Ask our Experts hours are (all times Pacific daylight time, aka UTC-7:00):

  • Tuesday April 6th: 10am - 4:15pm
  • Wednesday April 7th: 7am - 8:30am & 10am - 3pm
  • Thursday April 8th: 7am - 8:30am & 10am - 3pm

You can find an overview agenda of the 3 days here, with a detailed session-by-session agenda here.

Lastly, as a quick reference, below is a link to the homepage of each SDK which includes reference doc, open source toolkits, sample apps, and much more:

And if you're new to the ArcGIS Platform, the Mapping APIs and Services guide doc is a great place to start.

Other helpful links:

We hope you have a great conference and look forward to meeting you and learning about how you use the Runtime in the Ask the Experts chat.

About the Author
Product Manager for the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps, focusing on the Swift SDK, as well as the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines. My background is in computer science, but my professional career has always been GIS, in particular Utilities.