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An early peek at the .NET Toolkit for ArcGIS Runtime SDK v100.0

12-09-2016 03:20 PM
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Esri Notable Contributor
4 5 17.3K

We're hard at work getting an updated toolkit for the new Runtime SDK out.

Even though we have some ways to go, we wanted to share the progress with you all, and provide you with an opportunity to try things out, give us feedback, or simply just use what's there.

We have an active branch going on Github that you can download and use today.All the source code is there, and is really easy to build and use:

This includes a set of controls for WPF and UWP:

  • ChallengeHandler - (WPF only) Displays a UI dialog to enter or select credentials to use when accessing secure ArcGIS resources, as well as helper classes for storing credentials in Windows' credentials cache.
    • Compass - Shows a compass direction when the map is rotated. Auto-hides when the map points north up.
    • Legend - Displays a legend for a single layer in your map (and optionally for its sub layers).
    • ScaleLine - Displays current scale reference.
    • SymbolDisplay - Renders a symbol in a control.
    • TableOfContents (WPF)- Creates a tree-view of the entire map document. Optionally displays legend information for the layers as well.

    Please be aware that we might significantly refactor these controls, add more controls and helpers (or even remove some), so expect changes when you pull updated code from time to time. You can keep an eye on this Pull Request and monitor changes we're making.

    There's also a test app. It's not the prettiest (yet), and is mostly used to test the controls so far, but should help you get started. Further down the line we'll provide a proper sample app with documentation and various examples showcasing the use of these controls.

    What about Xamarin? It's on our roadmap, but we're first focusing on WPF, which in turn means we get UWP support almost for free.

    Feel free to comment below here to provide feedback etc.

    About the Author
    ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET Dev Lead. Windows Platform Developer MVP