Using publicly shared content works like a charm by adding layers in the Modes Panel UI. But I do not get the authentication configuration to work, so none of my private content is available. I'm expecting to get a popup window to the redirect URl but nothing happens. Have restarted Unreal Engine, reloaded the level and the project as well.
I followed the instructions here:
The instructions are a bit thin in detail and some images visualizing what is to be expected would be good as well.
Would really appreciate help in this since sharing all my content publicly is not an option.
So what was not mentioned in the instructions was that i need to add "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" as the redirect URL and not only the homepage for my private content. This solved to add private elevation layer but still does not load any of the layers added in the "Layers" part of the ui. I get this logmessage when trying to zoom to these layers: LogTemp: Warning: Layer passed to zoom to layer must be loaded.
Does anyone else get this?