Hello Esri,
I have a simple question: Can I hide the base map in unreal? I just want to get the real coordinate and don't want to render the base map file that I import to unreal.
> I just want to get the real coordinate
I don't know what this means, but if you want to hide the basemap you need to iterate over all the base and reference layers and set each of their visibility/opacity to be what you want it to be. You can do this in blueprints or code
Yes, I have done it in the old version I use the ArcGISRenderer to get the ArcGIS Mesh Components and iterate over all the mesh and set visibility just like you said.
But with the latest version of the plugins, the ArcGISRenderer is removed and I can't get the ArcGISMesh Component anymore.
> ArcGIS Mesh Components and iterate over all the mesh and set visibility just like you said.
This is not what I was recommending. I was saying get the basemap and iterate over the base and reference layers and set the visiblity to 0
Were you able to figure this out by any chance?