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Does anyone know how to track non-temporal data in ArcMap? For example, setting a date for a permit/lease to alert the user that such document will expire in 6 months?

02-25-2016 07:32 AM
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New Contributor

I would like a non-temporal data, i.e. Permit/Lease, to notify an end user when the date of expiration in nearing. Is there a way to set through the 'Time' tab in the data properties? A VB or Python script? Is tracking extension required? I was hoping there was a way for a specific record to change colors when that record crossed a specific date threshold. Or to create sublayer when determined date was set. I am using ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.2.1. Thank you

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MVP Alum

What I did was to use the definition query in the layer properties.

With a definition like this :

[DteExpires] > Date() AND [DteExpires] < (Date() + 180)

With the symbology set to a red outline, this would show all licences which are expiring within the next 6 months (180 days).

DteExpires is a datetime field.