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Use of Basemaps for commercial Purposes

10-31-2023 03:01 PM
New Contributor

Hello all,

I am part of a non profit company that use ARCGIS Pro software. We are paid customers of the software. We create maps based on our archaeological finds.

My questions are 1) Can we use the basemaps in Pro in order to design our maps? They do follow under commercial use and according to the ESRI Master Licence Agreement we may not use them.

2) In particular the OpenStreetMap of the living atlas, is it under esri's license as on the website or its parent license from Creative Commons?

Your help will be appreciated.


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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

This may be something that is best suited for your Esri Account manager. I am not sure that anyone in the Esri community can provide a valid response based on your contract.

--- George T.
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