I'm still loosing sleep over my ArcGIS JavaScript application and why it does not work with IE 10 / 11. I have CORS enable my server, which seems to work with everything not ArcGIS and works with for ArcGIS showing feature layers on a map, but not for queryTask directed at the same feature layer.
I have the JavaScript directive, though not supposed to be needed:
// where getTokenURL="https://some.domain.gov/arcgis/tokens"
Everything works properly in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. But in IE10
my $.getJSON CORS request works well, the map loads and displays images as expected. When I execute a queryTask the nework trafic monitor shows a request being made through PROXY instead of a CORS request. Firefox, Chrome network monitors show CORS requests for the same event.
My authorization token is valid for the Client IP address, not valid for the PROXY IP; things go wrong.
My question is, have I missed something I need to do or does ArcGIS 10.2 queryTask not support IE 10 / 11 CORS ?
Good health!