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Using MeshTransform class

09-23-2023 04:35 AM
New Contributor

Hi, i would like to transform created 3d mesh, like moving or scaling. There is a MeshTransform class and i wonder if i can use it, but i cant find an example of using MeshTransform nowhere. Could you give me an usecase and example of using this class. Btw currently i remove mesh and creating new with updated cooridantes.

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1 Reply
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor


Using MeshTransform in this way is still in beta and may change in the future, but if I've understood correctly, I believe your use case could be handled more simply using the 'offset()', 'rotate()', and 'scale()' methods on the Mesh class, documented here

Does this properly address your question? If not, could you explain a bit more what exactly you're trying to accomplish and provide some code you've tried so far. 

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