I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to manipulate features on the FeatureLayer. Specifically:
- If feature not on layer - add it
- If feature on layer already - ignore it
- If feature on layer but not in feature list - remove it
function GetFeatures(data: Features[]) {
var polygonFeatures = data.filter(e => e.isPolygon);
var pointFeatures = data.filter(e => e.isPoint);
this.polygonFeatureLayer?.queryFeatures({ where: "id NOT IN (" + polygonFeatures .map(x => { return "'" + x.id + "'" }) + ")" })
.then((results) => this.polygonFeatureLayer?.applyEdits({ deleteFeatures: results.features }));
this.polygonFeatureLayer?.applyEdits({addFeatures: convertFeaturesToFormat(polygonFeatures)});
I am about to put together a function for omitting features so it doesn't duplicate them.
What is the most efficient way to do the above?