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limit the number of features in feature layer

08-11-2022 07:18 AM
Emerging Contributor

I use the feature Layer definitionExpression property, and it is working.

But I want to limit the number of features the feature layer will load or display.

Is there a way to that in JS or it has to done it arcgis pro(before publishing the layer)?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

The maxRecordCount property needs to be set at the time of feature service publishing:

If you are using Query class to query features from your FeatureLayer then use the Query.num property to specify the number of features to retrieve:


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Emerging Contributor

but the property maxRecordCount determines the number of features returned from a query, I just want to limit to number of features displayed from the layer at all times.

am I worng?

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