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Updated from 4.28.10 to 4.29.7 and sketch and coordinate conversion widget no longer working

03-14-2024 01:16 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have just update to the latest version (4.29.7) from 4.28.10 and now when I display my map in my React application I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
at get state (SelectionToolbarViewModel.js:5:1)
at f (tracking.js:5:1)
at o.getComputed (Property.js:5:1)
at p.state (subclass.js:5:1)
at p._renderRectangleTool (SelectionToolbar.js:5:1)
at p._renderDefaultTools (SelectionToolbar.js:5:1)
at p.render (SelectionToolbar.js:5:1)
at o (Widget.js:5:1)
at M.render (Widget.js:5:1)
at p._renderSelectionToolbar (Sketch.js:5:1)

And then I can no longer display the sketch widget and the coordinate conversion widget no longer displays the current coordinates of the cursor. Both were working fine in 4.28.10

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

If you can provide a repro sample in stackblitz or github, would have a better idea, but not able to repro this issue in samples.

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