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Uncaught TypeError: toolbar.on is not a function

02-01-2016 10:10 PM
New Contributor

Hi all,

I am new to ArcGIS, and I just started with letting my app able to draw on the map various shapes. I keep getting this error that toolbar.on is not a function when I run Google Chrome debugger. I will appreciate any help! Thank you


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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor


have you try it this way?

          on(drawToolbar, "DrawEnd", function(evt){....});


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New Contributor

it did work by it self, but now I am trying to let the tool draw multiple shapes and I am using the switch statement to activate the tool and it seems like it doesn't go through the switch at all! Thank you so much for helping me out!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

What is the order of the modules in your "require" section and the arguments in your "function" section? Check to see whether "Draw" is in the correct order as the ""esri/toolbars/draw"

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New Contributor

it did work by it self, but now I am trying to let the tool draw multiple shapes and I am using the switch statement to activate the tool and it seems like it doesn't go through the switch at all! Thank you so much for helping me out!

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New Contributor

But yes you were right in a point, I had the library for Buttons duplicated in my function which caused the program to crash

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