I am trying to query features from the feature layer view and add these features to a graphics layer to enable snapping on the features using the sketch view model I already have, but on a large scale, i start to see this error: " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '0') ".
NOTE: when I comment : " gfxLayer.add(g) " or " new FeatureSnappingLayerSource({ layer: gfxLayer as __esri.GraphicsLayer,
enabled: true,
}), " or " visible: false," I don't see the error anymore, but snapping does not work.
any thoughts?
sketchVmRef.current = new SketchViewModel({
view: mapView,
layer: new GraphicsLayer({}),
snappingOptions: {
enabled: true,
featureSources: [
new FeatureSnappingLayerSource({
layer: gfxLayer as __esri.GraphicsLayer,
enabled: true,
const queriedFeatures = await featureLayerView.queryFeatures({
where: `1=1`,
outFields: ['*'],
returnGeometry: true,
for (const feature of queriedFeatures.features) {
const g = new Graphic({
geometry: feature.geometry,
attributes: feature.attributes,
layer: gfxLayer,
// visible: false,
Hi there,
I am not able to reproduce the behavior you describe. Would you mind creating a simple reproducible case? You can use this codepen as starting point: https://codepen.io/U_B_U/pen/BaGxBqK?editors=100
The error appears to be driven by your implementation of "gfxLayer". Can you provide more code as it relates to that object (i.e. its construction, setting of properties, etc)?
I encountered this same error message yesterday, although it's unlikely we had the same problem. The error message occurs when an Array is expected, but a value of null is received. In my case, I was trying to use a UniqueValueRenderer created from JSON with the uniqueValueGroups specified. The JSON structure for uniqueValueGroups differs from the autocast structure, and is still undocumented, but I fumbled my way through it.