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Toggle the visibilties of layers in a tiled map services

01-31-2011 06:05 AM
Occasional Contributor III
I create a multi-layered cached map services. The intention is to be able to toggle the visibilities of the individual layer in the map services. However, unlike the dynamic map serivce, there is no method like setVisibleLayers(visibleLayers) in javascript API for a tiled map service. I am not sure toggle the invidual layer in a tiled map service is even possible. Can someone enlighten me on this?
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
I believe ArcMap is the only client that supports multilayer caches.  Check out this note in the 'Advanced options (cache type)' section of the 'Available map cache properties' Help topic:

- ArcMap is the recommended client for working with a multilayer cache. Using a multilayer cache in a Web application provides little or no advantage over using a noncached map service.
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Occasional Contributor III
I believe ArcMap is the only client that supports multilayer caches.  Check out this note in the 'Advanced options (cache type)' section of the 'Available map cache properties' Help topic:

- ArcMap is the recommended client for working with a multilayer cache. Using a multilayer cache in a Web application provides little or no advantage over using a noncached map service.

Thanks for your reply. I know that multi_layered cache works on Web ADF. In my case, I have to show individual contours layer in a map service based on user's choice. And those layers are huge in terms of records so it would be nice to have those individual layer cached. Anyway, thanks for your help on that. I will figure out other ways to do this.
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