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Symbology not correct from ArcGIS Online Map

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02-14-2013 10:56 AM
New Contributor III
This is a really weird error, so I apologize if I don't voice it correctly. I am embedding a map from ArcGIS online into another webpage, and the symbols coming from AGO do not reflect what is shown in the new website, see the attached image with AGO on the left and the web map on the right.

Below is the code I am using to embed the map
function loadPortalMap(configOptions) {     esri.arcgis.utils.arcgisUrl = configOptions['portalUrl'] + "sharing/content/items";     var webmapID = configOptions['webMapId'];     viewDefinition = configOptions['lyrDefn'];     //Get webmapID from country code     //Create the appropriate dropdowns describing the layers to draw     for (var index = 0; index < viewDefinition.length; index ++) {         var item = viewDefinition[index];         var dType = item[0];         var optn = document.getElementById(dType);         var option = document.createElement("option");         option.text = item[1];         option.value = index;         try {             optn.add(option, null);         } catch (error) {              optn.add(option);         }     }      var params = { q: 'id:' + webmapID };     var mapDeffered = esri.arcgis.utils.createMap(webmapID, 'map', { mapOptions: {         logo: false,          showInfoWindowOnClick: false,         sliderStyle:"small"     } });          mapDeffered.addCallback(function(response) {         var layers = response.itemInfo.itemData.operationalLayers;         dojo.forEach(layers, function(layer) {             if (!layer.featureCollection){                  layerInfo.push({"layer":layer.layerObject,"title":layer.title});              } else {                 dojo.forEach(layer.featureCollection.layers, function(featLyr) {                     layerInfo.push({"layer":featLyr.layerObject,"title":featLyr.title});                  });             }         });                      createLegend(layerInfo, mapDeffered.results[0].map);                 layerInfo.reverse();         //changeMap();         //Set the description information from the item to          $("#tableDiv").html("<h2>Data</h2><div id='innerText'>" + response.itemInfo.item.description + "</div>");     });      mapDeffered.addErrback(function(error) {         //Do something here if map doesn't load properly         var something = error;     });           }
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Frequent Contributor
Looks like you are using version 3.1 of the API. There was a bug that we fixed regarding layers with class breaks not including the max values. Can you try upgrading your sample to the latest version (3.3) to see if that resolves the problem?


Edit: Looks like this fix was added at 3.2. Here's a code snippet showing a working example:

<!DOCTYPE html>   <html>   <head>   <title>Create a Web Map</title>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7,IE=9">    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">   <style>     html,body,#mapDiv,.map.container{       padding:0;       margin:0;       height:100%;     }   </style>    <script>var dojoConfig = { parseOnLoad:true };</script>   <script src=""></script>   <script>     dojo.require("");     dojo.require("esri.arcgis.utils");      var map;        function init(){       var webmapid = "286b722cfaf04eee98b8a8a491fd1af5";       esri.arcgis.utils.createMap(webmapid, "mapDiv").then(function(response){         map =;       });     }      dojo.ready(init);   </script>    </head>    <body>     <div id="mapDiv"></div>   </body>   </html>

View solution in original post

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8 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
I ran a quick test using your web map and one of the sample applications and the symbology was the same in both and the application.

To test use the following sample and replace the existing web map id with yours (286b722cfaf04eee98b8a8a491fd1af5).

Is there any code in your custom app that adds additional layers, customizes symbology etc?

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New Contributor III
Thanks for the quick response! The map works fine in a bunch of the templates, as well as your little Javascript sandbox (which I have bookmarked now).

No, there is nothing else we are doing as far as adding layers, and we are doing nothing to the drawingInfo. The only other piece of Javascript in the program changes visible layers on a drop down change event. I have included that code her as well, although I can't understand how it could affect the symbology.

function changeMap() {
    var ptSel = document.getElementById("point");
    var ptIdx = ptSel.value;
    var rasSel = document.getElementById("raster");
    var rasIdx = rasSel.value;
    //Define the %in% function
    Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {
        var i = this.length;
        while (i--) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
        return false;
    //The value from each of these dropdowns can be used to get the index of the layer definition we need to show
    var ptsToShow = viewDefinition[ptIdx][2];
    var rasterToShow = viewDefinition[rasIdx][2];
    var allVals = ptsToShow.concat(rasterToShow);
    for (var index = 0; index < layerInfo.length; index ++) {
        var lyrItem = layerInfo[index];
        if (allVals.contains(index)) {; } else { lyrItem.layer.hide(); };
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Esri Frequent Contributor

I don't see anything in the code that should cause a problem. Is your app public? Or can you create a test app that shows the problem?

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New Contributor III
I am talking to my web developer right now to see what we can do. Unfortunately, I don't think we can make it public until we solve this issue (which is a Catch-22, because I can't figure out how to fix it without making it public).

In a more detailed look, it appears that there are 5 features in the map and 4 class breaks. This means 4 of the features have their values as the end point of the class breaks; description is below.

class breaks = [[26.7, 29.3], [29.3, 43.8], [43.8, 48.7], [48.7, 55.2]]
featValues = 55.20, 29.30, 43.80, 26.70, 48.70

I really don't understand what is going on here, so I am going to try to publish something externally for you to look at
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New Contributor III
I've hosted a stripped down version on my website that shows the same error. The link below is to the actual AGO map.
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Esri Frequent Contributor
Looks like you are using version 3.1 of the API. There was a bug that we fixed regarding layers with class breaks not including the max values. Can you try upgrading your sample to the latest version (3.3) to see if that resolves the problem?


Edit: Looks like this fix was added at 3.2. Here's a code snippet showing a working example:

<!DOCTYPE html>   <html>   <head>   <title>Create a Web Map</title>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7,IE=9">    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">   <style>     html,body,#mapDiv,.map.container{       padding:0;       margin:0;       height:100%;     }   </style>    <script>var dojoConfig = { parseOnLoad:true };</script>   <script src=""></script>   <script>     dojo.require("");     dojo.require("esri.arcgis.utils");      var map;        function init(){       var webmapid = "286b722cfaf04eee98b8a8a491fd1af5";       esri.arcgis.utils.createMap(webmapid, "mapDiv").then(function(response){         map =;       });     }      dojo.ready(init);   </script>    </head>    <body>     <div id="mapDiv"></div>   </body>   </html>
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
Thanks a lot! That looks like it did it (I haven't changed the test link I sent you before).

I can't believe I missed that. I explicitly looked at the esri JS reference earlier and thought 'yeah, 3.1, that is the most recent version'. I knew it had to be a simple solution.
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New Contributor III
For what it is worth, this is broken again. I have started a new thread, as the problem is not the same, but I thought I should mention it on this thread
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