Looking for the CSS for styling the directions text within the directionsDiv. Has anyone done something similar? Dug through the CSS of the Directions class but thus far no success.
Is your app accessible publicly? Hard to say with the information provided. Generally speaking, I would open the app in Chrome, then right click one of the direction element and choose Inspect Element. It will open the Developer Tools, and showing the element along with its CSS rules on the right side. Find out what CSS class the target element has, and modify the css rules on the fly. When you satisfy with the new changes, change the CSS file in your app accordingly to make them permanent.
Is your app accessible publicly? Hard to say with the information provided. Generally speaking, I would open the app in Chrome, then right click one of the direction element and choose Inspect Element. It will open the Developer Tools, and showing the element along with its CSS rules on the right side. Find out what CSS class the target element has, and modify the css rules on the fly. When you satisfy with the new changes, change the CSS file in your app accordingly to make them permanent.
Thanks for the tip, Jason. Looks like there's no named CSS styles associated with the directionsDiv element.....so I just did the unthinkable and made my own. lol.