Hey, I just upgraded from 4.28.10 to 4.29 and noticed the features are blinking non stop, it's only stop on a very high zoom level.
I'm using sendMessageToClient method on StreamLayer.
I'm not sure how I can give an example to reproduce it, I didn't change anything in my code, I establish a layer with the following config:
new StreamLayer({
idField: 'some-id-field',
fields: some fields as FieldProperties[],
timeInfo: { trackIdField: 'TRACKID' },
geometryType: 'point',
objectIdField: 'something'
Then I'm adding features as a batch:
type: 'features',
features: [{attributes: {someAttributes}, geometry:{x:someCoordinate, y:someCoordinate}}]
Hope you can see the attached video.
Hi there
Can you please paste the renderer code (especially the symbol part) here? Thanks
@UndralBatsukh Thank you.
Here you go (the uniquevalueinfo and the expression has some logic that I removed in the code example):
visualVariables: [
type: 'rotation',
field: 'angle',
rotationType: 'geographic',
uniqueValueInfos: [
value: value,
symbol: new PictureMarkerSymbol({
height: someHeight,
width: someWidth,
url: url,
Hi @orahlagi -
This issue should be fixed for 4.29. Could you please check that this issue is fixed on your end with your application and let us know ASAP if it's still occurring for you? Thanks!
I am facing the same issue with 4.30 (from 4.30.1 to 4.30.8). Will it be fixed?
Thank you.
Hi there,
Can you please provide a reproducible case? If it is not possible then can you please provide the code for the renderer? Thanks
Sorry I don't have any reproducible case. I am facing the issue even with a basic renderer. Blinking seems to occure on each StreamLayer update/rerender, because it depends on updateInterval property.
I was already facing this issue on some 4.28.x versions but not all of them.
I am not able to reproduce this issue. It would be very useful if you can give some details on when and how it is flickering. You can also reach out the Esri support to work on a reproducible case. Thanks
My issue has been resolved upgrading Angular to last version.