Hi Friends, am trying to display the results in datagrid after performing query tasks on layers. Anyone help me with this..
I found some samples but it is in 3.25.... and in that one the table is visible from starting.. I think we can get it when we perform query..
Solved! Go to Solution.
So you just need to combine the two samples like this then:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<title>QueryTask - 4.8</title>
#viewDiv {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#viewDiv.withGrid {
height: 65%;
.esri-widget {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 4px;
#paneDiv {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 62px;
padding: 0 12px 0 12px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
color: white;
#gridDisplay {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
height: 35%;
background-color: white;
border-color: grey;
width: 100%;
font-family: "Avenir Next W00", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
display: none;
#gridDisplay {
z-index: 80;
.info {
line-height: 20px;
padding-left: 5px ! important;
.dgrid-header-row {
background-color: #eee;
color: #57585A;
.dgrid-row-even {
background-color: #F7F8F8;
.dgrid-row-odd {
background-color: #EFEFEF;
.dgrid-selected {
background: #B4DAF5;
.dgrid-row {
border: none
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.8/esri/css/main.css">
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.8/"></script>
Map, MapView, Home, Legend, Search, GraphicsLayer, QueryTask, Query, arrayUtils, dom, on,
OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider, Memory, StoreAdapter, Selection, declare, domClass
) {
let map, view, grid;
let RUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Prominent_Peaks_US/FeatureServer/0";
let FUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/ArcGIS/rest/services/2015_06_26_active_fires_USA_contig...";
let gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
// create a new datastore for the on demandgrid
// will be used to display attributes of selected features
let dataStore = new StoreAdapter({
objectStore: new Memory({
idProperty: "__OBJECTID"
const gridDis = document.getElementById("gridDisplay");
// Define the popup content for each result
const popupTemplate = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{MTN_PEAK}, {STATE}",
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
label: "Elevation (feet)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ELEV_m",
label: "Elevation (meters)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
label: "Prominence (feet)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "PROMINENCE_m",
label: "Prominence (meters)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ISOLATION_mi",
label: "Isolation (miles)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ISOLATION_km",
label: "Isolation (km)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
content: "<b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_prominence'>Prominence:</a>" +
"</b> {PROMINENCE_ft} ft ({PROMINENCE_m} m)" +
"<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
"<br><b>Elevation:</b> {ELEV_ft} ft ({ELEV_m} m)" +
"<br><b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_isolation'>Isolation:</a>" +
"</b> {ISOLATION_mi} mi ({ISOLATION_km} km)"
// Define the popup content for each result
const popupTemplate2 = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{TRACK}",
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "TRACK",
label: "Track"
}, {
fieldName: "BRIGHT_T31",
label: "Brightness",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "CONFIDENCE",
label: "Confidence"
}, {
fieldName: "SCAN",
label: "Scan",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
content: "Brightness: {BRIGHT_T31}" +
"<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
"<br><b>Confidence:</b> {CONFIDENCE}" +
"<br><b>Scan: {SCAN}"
let resultsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
let resultsLayer2 = new GraphicsLayer();
let qTask = new QueryTask({
url: RUrl
let qTask2 = new QueryTask({
url: FUrl
let params = new Query({
returnGeometry: true
map = new Map({
basemap: "streets",
layers: [resultsLayer, resultsLayer2]
view = new MapView({
map: map,
container: "viewDiv",
zoom: 11,
popup: {
dockEnabled: true,
dockOptions: {
position: "top-right",
breakpoint: false
function createGrid(fields) {
var columns = fields.filter(function(field, i) {
if (gridFields.indexOf(field.name) !== -1) {
return field;
}).map(function(field) {
if (field.name === "__OBJECTID") {
return {
field: field.name,
label: field.name,
sortable: true,
hidden: true
} else {
return {
field: field.name,
label: field.alias,
sortable: true
// create a new onDemandGrid with its selection and columnhider
// extensions. Set the columns of the grid to display attributes
// the hurricanes cvslayer
grid = new(declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, ColumnHider]))({
columns: columns
}, "grid");
// add a row-click listener on the grid. This will be used
// to highlight the corresponding feature on the view
grid.on("dgrid-select", selectFeatureFromGrid);
function selectFeatureFromGrid(event) {
view.when(function() {
view.ui.add("optionsDiv", "bottom-right");
on(dom.byId("doBtn"), "click", doQuery);
on(dom.byId("clrBtn"), "click", doClear);
const attributeName = dom.byId("attSelect");
const expressionSign = dom.byId("signSelect");
const value = dom.byId("valSelect");
const wlayer = dom.byId("lyrSelect");
function doClear() {
dataStore.objectStore.data = {};
grid.set("collection", dataStore);
gridDis.style.display = 'none';
domClass.remove("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
function doQuery() {
// Clear the results from a previous query
params.where = attributeName.value + expressionSign.value + value.value;
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
params.outFields = ["RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
params.outFields = ["BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
params.where = 'BRIGHTNESS > 320';
function getResults(response) {
let graphics = response.features;
if (graphics.length > 0) {
gridDis.style.display = 'block';
domClass.add("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
document.getElementById("featureCount").innerHTML =
"<b>Showing attributes for " +
graphics.length.toString() + " features </b>"
} else {
gridDis.style.display = 'none';
// get the attributes to display in the grid
var data = graphics.map(function(feature, i) {
return Object.keys(feature.attributes)
.filter(function(key) {
// get fields that exist in the grid
return (gridFields.indexOf(key) !== -1);
// need to create key value pairs from the feature
// attributes so that info can be displayed in the grid
.reduce((obj, key) => {
obj[key] = feature.attributes[key];
return obj;
}, {});
// set the datastore for the grid using the
// attributes we got for the query results
dataStore.objectStore.data = data;
grid.set("collection", dataStore);
var RResults = arrayUtils.map(response.features, function(
feature) {
feature.symbol = {
type: "simple-marker",
color: "red",
size: 5,
outline: {
color: "black"
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate;
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate2;
return feature;
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
function promiseRejected(error) {
console.error("Promise rejected: ", error.message);
var homeBtn = new Home({
view: view
}, "homeDiv");
var legend = new Legend({
view: view,
layerInfos: [{
url: RUrl
view.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left");
var searchWidget = new Search({
view: view
view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
position: "top-right"
<div id="viewDiv">
<div class="esri-widget" id="optionsDiv">
<h2>Prominent Peaks in the U.S.</h2>
<select class="esri-widget" id="lyrSelect">
<option value="fires">US Fires</option>
<option value="peaks" selected>US Peaks</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="attSelect">
<option value="ELEV_ft">Elevation</option>
<option value="PROMINENCE_ft" selected>Prominence</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="signSelect">
<option value=">">is greater than</option>
<option value="<">is less than</option>
<option value="=">is equal to</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="valSelect">
<option value="1000">1,000 ft</option>
<option value="5000">5,000 ft</option>
<option value="10000">10,000 ft</option>
<option value="15000">15,000 ft</option>
<option value="20000">20,000 ft</option>
<button class="esri-widget" id="doBtn">Do Query</button>
<button class="esri-widget" id="clrBtn">Clear</button>
<div id="gridDisplay">
<span class="info" id="featureCount"></span>
<div id="grid"></div>
Have you seen this sample? https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/sandbox/index.html?sample=highlight-feat...
Hello Robert, I checked this sample. Its helpful but in this sample user use polygon to perform query. I have to use only simple query task..
if(wlayer.value === 'city'){
}else if(wlayer.value === 'road'){
Right now results only popups on the map one by one..I am looking to get query task results as data grid below the map, after user perform a query. am using same code you already help me previously...
So you just need to combine the two samples like this then:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<title>QueryTask - 4.8</title>
#viewDiv {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#viewDiv.withGrid {
height: 65%;
.esri-widget {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 4px;
#paneDiv {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 62px;
padding: 0 12px 0 12px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
color: white;
#gridDisplay {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
height: 35%;
background-color: white;
border-color: grey;
width: 100%;
font-family: "Avenir Next W00", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
display: none;
#gridDisplay {
z-index: 80;
.info {
line-height: 20px;
padding-left: 5px ! important;
.dgrid-header-row {
background-color: #eee;
color: #57585A;
.dgrid-row-even {
background-color: #F7F8F8;
.dgrid-row-odd {
background-color: #EFEFEF;
.dgrid-selected {
background: #B4DAF5;
.dgrid-row {
border: none
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.8/esri/css/main.css">
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.8/"></script>
Map, MapView, Home, Legend, Search, GraphicsLayer, QueryTask, Query, arrayUtils, dom, on,
OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider, Memory, StoreAdapter, Selection, declare, domClass
) {
let map, view, grid;
let RUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Prominent_Peaks_US/FeatureServer/0";
let FUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/ArcGIS/rest/services/2015_06_26_active_fires_USA_contig...";
let gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
// create a new datastore for the on demandgrid
// will be used to display attributes of selected features
let dataStore = new StoreAdapter({
objectStore: new Memory({
idProperty: "__OBJECTID"
const gridDis = document.getElementById("gridDisplay");
// Define the popup content for each result
const popupTemplate = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{MTN_PEAK}, {STATE}",
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
label: "Elevation (feet)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ELEV_m",
label: "Elevation (meters)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
label: "Prominence (feet)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "PROMINENCE_m",
label: "Prominence (meters)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ISOLATION_mi",
label: "Isolation (miles)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "ISOLATION_km",
label: "Isolation (km)",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
content: "<b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_prominence'>Prominence:</a>" +
"</b> {PROMINENCE_ft} ft ({PROMINENCE_m} m)" +
"<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
"<br><b>Elevation:</b> {ELEV_ft} ft ({ELEV_m} m)" +
"<br><b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_isolation'>Isolation:</a>" +
"</b> {ISOLATION_mi} mi ({ISOLATION_km} km)"
// Define the popup content for each result
const popupTemplate2 = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{TRACK}",
fieldInfos: [{
fieldName: "TRACK",
label: "Track"
}, {
fieldName: "BRIGHT_T31",
label: "Brightness",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
}, {
fieldName: "CONFIDENCE",
label: "Confidence"
}, {
fieldName: "SCAN",
label: "Scan",
format: {
places: 0,
digitSeperator: true
content: "Brightness: {BRIGHT_T31}" +
"<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
"<br><b>Confidence:</b> {CONFIDENCE}" +
"<br><b>Scan: {SCAN}"
let resultsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
let resultsLayer2 = new GraphicsLayer();
let qTask = new QueryTask({
url: RUrl
let qTask2 = new QueryTask({
url: FUrl
let params = new Query({
returnGeometry: true
map = new Map({
basemap: "streets",
layers: [resultsLayer, resultsLayer2]
view = new MapView({
map: map,
container: "viewDiv",
zoom: 11,
popup: {
dockEnabled: true,
dockOptions: {
position: "top-right",
breakpoint: false
function createGrid(fields) {
var columns = fields.filter(function(field, i) {
if (gridFields.indexOf(field.name) !== -1) {
return field;
}).map(function(field) {
if (field.name === "__OBJECTID") {
return {
field: field.name,
label: field.name,
sortable: true,
hidden: true
} else {
return {
field: field.name,
label: field.alias,
sortable: true
// create a new onDemandGrid with its selection and columnhider
// extensions. Set the columns of the grid to display attributes
// the hurricanes cvslayer
grid = new(declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, ColumnHider]))({
columns: columns
}, "grid");
// add a row-click listener on the grid. This will be used
// to highlight the corresponding feature on the view
grid.on("dgrid-select", selectFeatureFromGrid);
function selectFeatureFromGrid(event) {
view.when(function() {
view.ui.add("optionsDiv", "bottom-right");
on(dom.byId("doBtn"), "click", doQuery);
on(dom.byId("clrBtn"), "click", doClear);
const attributeName = dom.byId("attSelect");
const expressionSign = dom.byId("signSelect");
const value = dom.byId("valSelect");
const wlayer = dom.byId("lyrSelect");
function doClear() {
dataStore.objectStore.data = {};
grid.set("collection", dataStore);
gridDis.style.display = 'none';
domClass.remove("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
function doQuery() {
// Clear the results from a previous query
params.where = attributeName.value + expressionSign.value + value.value;
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
params.outFields = ["RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
params.outFields = ["BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
params.where = 'BRIGHTNESS > 320';
function getResults(response) {
let graphics = response.features;
if (graphics.length > 0) {
gridDis.style.display = 'block';
domClass.add("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
document.getElementById("featureCount").innerHTML =
"<b>Showing attributes for " +
graphics.length.toString() + " features </b>"
} else {
gridDis.style.display = 'none';
// get the attributes to display in the grid
var data = graphics.map(function(feature, i) {
return Object.keys(feature.attributes)
.filter(function(key) {
// get fields that exist in the grid
return (gridFields.indexOf(key) !== -1);
// need to create key value pairs from the feature
// attributes so that info can be displayed in the grid
.reduce((obj, key) => {
obj[key] = feature.attributes[key];
return obj;
}, {});
// set the datastore for the grid using the
// attributes we got for the query results
dataStore.objectStore.data = data;
grid.set("collection", dataStore);
var RResults = arrayUtils.map(response.features, function(
feature) {
feature.symbol = {
type: "simple-marker",
color: "red",
size: 5,
outline: {
color: "black"
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate;
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate2;
return feature;
if(wlayer.value === 'peaks'){
}else if(wlayer.value === 'fires'){
function promiseRejected(error) {
console.error("Promise rejected: ", error.message);
var homeBtn = new Home({
view: view
}, "homeDiv");
var legend = new Legend({
view: view,
layerInfos: [{
url: RUrl
view.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left");
var searchWidget = new Search({
view: view
view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
position: "top-right"
<div id="viewDiv">
<div class="esri-widget" id="optionsDiv">
<h2>Prominent Peaks in the U.S.</h2>
<select class="esri-widget" id="lyrSelect">
<option value="fires">US Fires</option>
<option value="peaks" selected>US Peaks</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="attSelect">
<option value="ELEV_ft">Elevation</option>
<option value="PROMINENCE_ft" selected>Prominence</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="signSelect">
<option value=">">is greater than</option>
<option value="<">is less than</option>
<option value="=">is equal to</option>
<select class="esri-widget" id="valSelect">
<option value="1000">1,000 ft</option>
<option value="5000">5,000 ft</option>
<option value="10000">10,000 ft</option>
<option value="15000">15,000 ft</option>
<option value="20000">20,000 ft</option>
<button class="esri-widget" id="doBtn">Do Query</button>
<button class="esri-widget" id="clrBtn">Clear</button>
<div id="gridDisplay">
<span class="info" id="featureCount"></span>
<div id="grid"></div>
Thanks for the Solution...It was exactly am looking for but I have one question can we highlight result we select from the query result..
i tried to using this
view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
highlightOptions: {
color: "red",
fillOpacity: 0.4
how can we highlight the selected results on map and grid at the same time..
The results are already added to the map as graphics so I am not sure what you mean.
Yes results are added perfectly as am trying.. Thanks a lot for that.. but you ask me to refer one sample previously
In this sample after performing query task, when we click on any record in grid it highlights that specific record on map with specific color.. I have already attach an image for about my question..
i tried this
highlightOptions: {
color: "red",
fillOpacity: 0.4
how can I do that in the code which you just provide to me...??
It is as simple as adding another graphic after you query for the ObjectId of the row you clicked on. If you need more help with that code then you should start a new question.
Thanks for suggestion.
I'll try it first..if having problem with that still then, post another question..