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setting visible property to false not hiding graphic

12-07-2022 07:58 AM
New Contributor


I am currently using ESRI 4.24. In my map, I am attempting to display or hide certain features based upon a user selection. While attempting to do this, I have failed to successfully hide any graphics when setting the visible property equal to false. I will attach some code to give a better example of my problem (this is just an example, not my code with the user selection). As you can see, I have hard coded two graphics and added them to the array "features" and created the layer using "source: features". I have set the visible property to false in two locations, but the graphic2 object still displays on the map anyway. Here is the code: 

function(Map,MapView,SimpleMarkerSymbol,PictureMarkerSymbol,Graphic,intl,FeatureLayer,FeatureFilter,Point,esriRequest) {

document.getElementById("nomap").innerHTML = '';

let currentCookie = getCookie('maptype');
if (currentCookie === false){
currentCookie = 'oceans';
document.getElementById('basemap-selected').value = currentCookie;

let bmList = {
'oceans': 'oceans',
'satellite': 'hybrid',
'streets': 'streets-vector',
'topo': 'topo-vector'

let map = new Map({
basemap: currentCookie

const view = new MapView({
container: "ndbcmap",
map: map,
center: [-104,38],
zoom: 3,
sliderStyle: "small",
popup: {
dockEnabled: false,
autoOpenEnabled: false,
visibleElements: {
closeButton: false,
featureNavigation: false
dockOptions: {
// Disables the dock button from the popup
buttonEnabled: false,
// Ignore the default sizes that trigger responsive docking
breakpoint: false
highlightOptions: {
color: [255, 0, 0, 255],
haloOpacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 1

let basemapSelected = document.getElementById('basemap-selected');
let newBasemap =[].value;
if (newBasemap === "none" || newBasemap == null) {
map.basemap = "oceans";
} else {
// Find the selected basemap in the array above and use the map name to set the basemap
for (let x in bmList) {
if (x === newBasemap) {
map.basemap = newBasemap;

let features = [];
//let stationsLayerView;

var attr = {};
attr['layerid'] = 'stationsLayer';
attr['owner'] = 'Michael Testing';
attr["id"] = 1;
attr["name"] = 'Michael Testing';

lon = -90;
lat = 30;

let geometryPoint = new Point(lon, lat);
let graphic = new Graphic({
geometry: geometryPoint,
attributes: attr,


lon2 = -38;
lat2 = 8;

let geometryPoint2 = new Point(lon2, lat2);
let graphic2 = new Graphic({
geometry: geometryPoint2,
attributes: attr,
visible: false,
graphic2.visible = false;

let stationsRenderer = {
type: "simple",
symbol: {
type: "simple-marker",
style: "diamond",
color: [ 255, 255, 0, 255 ],
size: 11,
outline: {
color: [30,30,30,255],
width: 1,
style: "solid"

stationsLayer = new FeatureLayer({
source: features, // autocast as an array of esri/Graphic
// create an instance of esri/layers/support/Field for each field object
objectIdField: "ObjectID",
outFields: ["*"],
//popupTemplate: template,
renderer: stationsRenderer,
"fields": [{
"name": "id",
"alias": "id",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"name": "owner",
"alias": "owner",
"type": "string"
}, {
"name": "name",
"alias": "name",
"type": "string"
}, {
"name": "layerid",
"alias": "layerid",
"type": "string"



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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

As mentioned in this post, 4.x doesn't give direct access to the underlying data (i.e. graphics) of a FeatureLayer; basically, your graphic reference is a copy of the data it's using internally.

There are other options for dynamically setting visibility; perhaps the best is to use the definitionExpression property (e.g. "id<>1").

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