<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"> <title>Charter Guide Map</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/js/dojo/dojo/resources/dojo.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/js/dgrid/css/dgrid.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/js/dgrid/css/skins/tundra.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/js/dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/js/esri/css/esri.css"> <style> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } td { padding:3px; } #container { height: 100%; visibility: hidden; } #bottomPane { height: 200px; } #grid { height: 100%; } .dgrid { border: none; } .field-Business_C { cursor: pointer; } </style> <script src="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/"></script> <script> // load dgrid, esri and dojo modules // create the grid and the map // then parse the dijit layout dijits require([ "dojo/ready", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/Selection", "dojo/store/Memory", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/registry", "esri/map", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/tasks/QueryTask", "esri/tasks/query", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/number", "dojo/on", "dojo/parser", "dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane" ], function( ready, Grid, Selection, Memory, array, domStyle, registry, Map, FeatureLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, QueryTask, Query, declare, dojoNum, on, parser ) { ready(function() { parser.parse(); // create the dgrid grid = new (declare([Grid, Selection]))({ // use Infinity so that all data is available in the grid bufferRows: Infinity, columns: { "Business_C": "Business/Captain Name", "Address": "Address", "Phone_1": "Phone Number", "Email_Addr": "Email Address", "Maximum_Si": "Max Size of Charter", "Web_Addres": "Website", "Region_s_" : "Regions" } }, "grid"); // add a click listener on the ID column grid.on(".field-Business_C:click", selectCaptain); map = new Map("map", { basemap: "satellite", center: [-76.5, 38.9], zoom: 9 }); chartersUrl = "http://services.arcgis.com/njFNhDsUCentVYJW/arcgis/rest/services/CharterGuide/FeatureServer/0"; outFields = ["Business_C", "Address", "Phone_1", "Email_Addr", "Maximum_Si", "Web_Addres", "Region_s_", "Chesapeake", "Vessel_Nam", "Phone_2", "Fishing_Me", "Other_Regi", "Targeted_S"]; var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate(); infoTemplate.setTitle("${Business_C}"); infoTemplate.setContent( "<table border='0', width='100%'>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Vessel Name:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Vessel_Nam}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Business/Captain Name:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Business_C}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Marina Address:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Address}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Phone 1:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Phone_1}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Phone 2:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Phone_2}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Email:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Email_Addr}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Maximum Size of Charter:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Maximum_Si}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Web Address:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Web_Addres}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Fishing Method:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Fishing_Me}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Regions Covered:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Region_s_}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Chesapeake Bay:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Chesapeake}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Other Regions Covered:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Other_Regi}</td></tr>" + "<tr><td width='50%' width='100%' valign='top'>Targeted Species:</td><td width='50%' valign='bottom'> ${Targeted_S}</td></tr>" + "</table>" ); map.infoWindow.resize(400,300) var highlight = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_SQUARE, 16, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([0,255,255]), 3), new dojo.Color([0,255,255,0])); var fl = new FeatureLayer(chartersUrl, { id: "charters", mode: 1, outFields: outFields, infoTemplate: infoTemplate }); fl.on("click", function() { map.graphics.clear(); }); // change cursor to indicate features are click-able fl.on("mouse-over", function() { map.setMapCursor("pointer"); }); fl.on("mouse-out", function() { map.setMapCursor("default"); }); map.addLayer(fl); map.on("load", function( evt ){ // show the border container now that the dijits // are rendered and the map has loaded domStyle.set(registry.byId("container").domNode, "visibility", "visible"); populateGrid(Memory); // pass a reference to the MemoryStore constructor }); function populateGrid(Memory) { var qt = new QueryTask(chartersUrl); var query = new Query(); query.where = "1=1"; query.returnGeometry = false; query.outFields = outFields; qt.execute(query, function(results) { var data = array.map(results.features, function(feature) { return { // property names used here match those used when creating the dgrid "Business_C": feature.attributes[outFields[0]], "Address": feature.attributes[outFields[1]], "Phone_1": feature.attributes[outFields[2]], "Email_Addr": feature.attributes[outFields[3]], "Maximum_Si": feature.attributes[outFields[4]], "Web_Addres": feature.attributes[outFields[5]], "Region_s_": feature.attributes[outFields[6]] } }); var memStore = new Memory({ data: data }); grid.set("store", memStore); }); } // fires when a row in the dgrid is clicked function selectCaptain(e) { grid.clearSelection(); map.infoWindow.hide(); map.graphics.clear(); var fl = map.getLayer("charters"); var query = new Query(); captainName = (e.target.innerHTML); query.where = "Business_C = '" + captainName + "'"; fl.selectFeatures(query, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW, function(result) { map.centerAt(result[0].geometry); map.graphics.add(new esri.Graphic(result[0].geometry, highlight)); }); } } ); }); </script> </head> <body class="tundra"> <div id="container" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design: 'headline', gutters: false"> <div id="map" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region: 'center'"></div> <div id="bottomPane" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region: 'bottom'"> <div id="grid"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks Brett!
It solved my issue. (FYI for others who are facing the same issue, The "id" is case sensitive. We should provide in small letters.)
With Regards,
Vara Prasad.
I was playing around with this more and found the answer, and it's really, really silly. When you create your grid, one of the column IDs must be "id", just like in the sample. As soon as I made that change, the problem disappeared. The column label can still be whatever you want.
Johnathan's answer is the correct one. You have to set the idProperty to a unique field. Default is "id" but it's a good practice to always set it.
var dataStore = new Memory({ data: myData, idProperty: "id" }); this.dataGrid.set("store", dataStore);
I have a column called id, but it still highlights all selected records, like you're describing. I'm building a grid based on the results of a findTask, using dGrid and Memory. I haven't been explicitly assigning columns, because the grid has always been OK defining it this way. Maybe there is an issue specifically with Selection that needs them?
function executeServerFind (){ var searchText = dom.byId('txtSearch').value; searchFindParams.searchText = searchText; var data = []; if (resultGrid) { resultGrid.refresh(); } searchFindTask.execute(searchFindParams, function(results){ if (results.length > 0) { data = arrayUtils.map(results, function (result) { return { "id": result.feature.attributes.ESRI_OID, "fieldname": result.foundFieldName, "fieldvalue": result.value, "itemname": result.feature.attributes.Item_Name, "description":result.feature.attributes.ItemFunctionDescription, "agency":result.feature.attributes.AgencyAcronym, "location":result.feature.attributes.EntityLocationName, "address":result.feature.attributes.EntityLocationAddress1, "city":result.feature.attributes.EntityLocationCity }; }); var memory= new Memory({ data: data, idProperty: 'id' }); resultGrid = new (declare([Grid, Selection]))({ renderRow: resultRenderRowFunction, showHeader: false }, "resultsGridDiv"); resultGrid.set("store", memory); resultGrid.on('.dgrid-row:click',function(event){ var row = resultGrid.row(event); var featureLayer = map.getLayer("allLayer"); var gridQuery = new Query(); gridQuery.objectIds = [row.data.id]; allLayer.selectFeatures(gridQuery, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW, function(results) { if ( results.length > 0 ) { var feature = results[0]; feature.setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate); var resultGeometry = results[0].geometry; var extent = map.extent; if(!extent.contains(resultGeometry)) { map.centerAt(resultGeometry) } map.infoWindow.setFeatures(results); map.infoWindow.show(resultGeometry); } else { console.log("error in grid.on click function"); } }); }); } else { console.log("Nothing found."); } }); }