Hi @Noah-Sager,
Thanks for your reply. I have existing code that originally used API version 4.11. I have a require statement that includes "dojo/on" and "dojo/domReady". I changed my code to reference 4.17 and commented out the dojo references in the require statement, and not surprisingly I get fatal errors, though it's not obvious to me how they're related to dojo, given where the errors are occuring. I do have the following statement in my code, though it's not identified as the line where an error is occurring:
on(mapView, "click", executeIdentifyTask);
I tried
mapView.addEventListener("click", executeIdentifyTask);
and my code still runs, but I can no longer click on my map and get a popup with additional feature information. Everything works fine with none of the above changes, by the way.
Assuming we want to get rid of Dojo, any advice, general or specific, on doing so? It would be great if there is some sample Esri code that shows an implementation with Dojo and without it. I am pretty green when it comes to web development, as you can probably tell.