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Resampling option in WMTS Layer

04-13-2018 02:51 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm using API version 3.22, and I have LODs defined up to level 20 on the map:

var lods = [{"level":"4","resolution":9783.93962050256,"scale":3.6978669431820706E7},

I have layers in the HTML viewer that reach level 20, but there are others that go up to 19, and I would like to avoid caching these layers to this last level. I have tried adding the resampling = true option when I add the layer, but nothing is displayed at level 20:

var options = {
            id: servicioId + ";",
            serviceMode: "KVP",
            resampling: true,
            //maxScale: 400,
            /*resourceInfo: resourceInfo,
            layerInfo: layerInfo,*/
            visible: true
        var capaAnadida = new WMTSLayer(urlWMTS, options);

I am doing something wrong? Is there any other option?


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