How would one refresh a Javascript FeatureTable digit after adding or updating a feature in the underlying FeatureTable?
I'd also be interested in getting this answered.
Keith -
Did you get an answer for this? I've been trying to resolve it for a couple of days.
No answer. Sorry. I ended up ditching it in favor of using dGrid.
Ok thanks. I'm leaning that way also.
Hi Keith,
I stumbled on some code in one of the Esri samples that works for refreshing a FeatureTable. I would have thought this would be a method call on the FeatureTable itself, but anyway. You basically need to destroy the div that contains your feature table and then recreate it on the fly. It's working like a charm for me. The outageDiv referenced below is the parent div of the div that contains the FeatureTable.
if (registry.byId("outageTableNode")) {
domConstruct.create("div", { id: "outageTableNode" }, dom.byId("outageDiv"));
console.log("re-creating table");
Did you guys ever resolve this issue? I'm trying to get the feature table to refresh after changing the visibility of the feature layer.