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Quirky Search Issues with Parks Finder 10.2

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02-18-2014 04:10 AM
Occasional Contributor III
I'm getting some quirky behavior when searching by park name in the Parks Finder 10.2 application.

For some letter combinations, the parks show up at 1 or 2 letters entered, however for others, the parks don't show up at all even though the combinations are valid. Additionally, some parks aren't being found when their full names are entered.

I tried this over on the Local Government Forum but there doesn't seem to be much activity over there. Any help is appreciated.
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11 Replies
MVP Alum
Looks like we figured it out at the same time

Im in Manatee County just a couple hours  down I-75
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: mcdade31

thanks for your help. glad to know there are some florida locals on here.
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