var gp, map, toc, dynaLayer1, query, queryTask; var geocoder; var symbol, infoTemplate, extractMethod; var AOI, graphic, clipFeatureSet, clipFeature; require(["dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/parser", "dojo/on", "dojo/_base/Color", "esri/map", "esri/config", "esri/dijit/HomeButton", "esri/dijit/BasemapGallery", "esri/dijit/Bookmarks", "esri/dijit/Scalebar", "esri/geometry/Extent", "esri/tasks/query", "esri/tasks/QueryTask", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/layers/ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer", "esri/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer", "esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol", "esri/InfoTemplate", "esri/tasks/FeatureSet", "esri/graphic", "agsjs/dijit/TOC", "dijit/registry", "dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dijit/layout/AccordionContainer", "dijit/TitlePane", "dijit/form/CheckBox", "dijit/form/ComboBox", "dojo/parser", "dijit/Toolbar", "dijit/form/DropDownButton", "dijit/layout/TabContainer", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/TooltipDialog", "dijit/ToolbarSeparator", "dojo/domReady!" ], function (connect, dom, domStyle, parser, on, Color, Map, esriConfig, HomeButton, BasemapGallery, Bookmarks, Scalebar, Extent, Query, QueryTask, FeatureLayer, ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, InfoTemplate, FeatureSet, Graphic, TOC, registry) { // call the parser to create the dijit layout dijits parser.parse(); // note djConfig.parseOnLoad = false; // Specify where the location of the proxy to use to communicate with the extract GP service. = "/proxy"; // Keep a reference to the loading icon DOM node. var loading = dom.byId("loading"); map = new Map("map", { logo: true, sliderPosition: "top-right", basemap: "topo", center: [-121.469, 38.556], zoom: 8 }); var home = new HomeButton({ map: map }, "HomeButton"); home.startup(); var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({ showArcGISBasemaps: true, map: map }, "basemapGallery"); basemapGallery.startup(); var bookmarks = new Bookmarks({ map: map, bookmarks: [], editable: true }, dom.byId('bookmarks')); var scalebar = new Scalebar({ map: map, // "dual" displays both miles and kilmometers // "english" is the default, which displays miles // use "metric" for kilometers scalebarUnit: "dual", scalebarStyle: "ruler", attachTo: "bottom-left" }); dynaLayer1 = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("http://webgisdevint1/arcgis/rest/services/Alex_Try/Archived/MapServer", {}); map.on('layers-add-result', function (evt) { dynaLayer1.setVisibleLayers([1, 2, 4]); toc = new TOC({ map: map, layerInfos: [{ layer: dynaLayer1, title: "Layers", slider: true }] }, 'tocdiv'); toc.startup(); }); map.addLayers([dynaLayer1]); symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([111, 0, 255]), 2), new Color([255, 255, 0, 0.25])); infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("${OBJECTID}", "${*}"); registry.byId("query").on("click", executeQuery); function executeQuery(name) { var name = document.getElementById("user").value var queryTask = new QueryTask("http://webgisdevint1/arcgis/rest/services/Alex_Try/Archived/MapServer/0"); queryTask.on("complete", showResults) var query = new Query(); query.returnGeometry = true; query.outFields = ["LAST_EDITED_USER"]; query.where = "LAST_EDITED_USER = '" + name + "'"; query.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference; queryTask.execute(query, showResults); } function showResults(featureSet) { //remove all graphics on the maps graphics layer; //Performance enhancer - assign featureSet array to a single variable. var resultFeatures = featureSet.features; //Loop through each feature returned for (var i=0, il=resultFeatures.length; i<il; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = resultFeatures; graphic.setSymbol(symbol); //Set the infoTemplate. graphic.setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate); //Add graphic to the map graphics layer.; } }
"Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
Solved! Go to Solution.
function showResults(featureSet){ var features = featureSet.features;
queryTask.execute(query, handlerFunction);
function showResults (results) { var features = results. featureSet.features;
for (var i=0; i<features.length; i++){
Do you have a public sample of this website that can be run?
Can you check that name is getting populated correctly as I assume it is from some type of user input?
Did you ever try running the sample with ESRI's data? Did the sample work with their data?
I'm not really sure why featureSet.features is undefined as I see features populated in the console of Firebug.
I will try to modify ESRI's sample to use my data to see if I can get it to work (as I can use it for my applications), which might help determine why this variable is undefined and giving you the error.
queryTask.execute(query, function(featureSet) { alert(featureSet.length);});
Have you tried nest the function within?
Ex:queryTask.execute(query, function(featureSet) { alert(featureSet.length);});
See if you get anything.
function executeQuery(name) { var name = document.getElementById("user").value var queryTask = new QueryTask("http://webgisdevint1/arcgis/rest/services/Alex_Try/Archived/MapServer/0"); queryTask.on("complete", showResults) var query = new Query(); query.returnGeometry = true; query.outFields = ["LAST_EDITED_USER"]; query.where = "LAST_EDITED_USER = '" + name + "'"; query.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference; queryTask.execute(query, showResults(featureSet) { alert(featureSet.length);}); } function showResults(featureSet) { //remove all graphics on the maps graphics layer; //Performance enhancer - assign featureSet array to a single variable. var resultFeatures = featureSet.features; //Loop through each feature returned for (var i=0, il=resultFeatures.length; i<il; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = resultFeatures; graphic.setSymbol(symbol); //Set the infoTemplate. graphic.setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate); //Add graphic to the map graphics layer.; } }
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {