I have a feature table like this example (ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox). What I did is a filter to the table with differents queries like date or strings, and they are working good!
If I search for a date interval the feature table refresh and show only the records that is between that dates. What I want now is that the records on map refresh too, but I can't do that... Someone can help me please?
I filter the table
Only one record with this query
But the map contains all records yet and didn't refresh
<input id="nud" type="text" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" data-dojo-props="trim:true, intermediateChanges:true" class="dijit-form-TextBox filterTb" />
<button type="button" id="confirm">Filtrar</button>
var confirmar = dom.byId("confirm");
on(confirmar, "click", function(value){
var userVal = dijit.byId("nud").get('value');
var oidFld = myFeatureLayer.objectIdField;
var query = new Query();
lastWhere = query.where = "nud LIKE '%" + userVal + "%'";
myFeatureLayer.queryIds(query, lang.hitch(this, function(objectIds) {
myFeatureTable.selectedRowIds = objectIds;
Solved! Go to Solution.
You can just take the lastWhere and apply it to the myFeatureLayer definition Expression:
You can just take the lastWhere and apply it to the myFeatureLayer definition Expression:
Work like a charm! Thank you!
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