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Problem displaying attribute table via actions & LayerList

09-05-2021 12:07 PM
Frequent Contributor

I am trying to open an attribute table but I get something else :


It tries to create an infinite number of tables. Do you have any idea why that happens?





        let layerList = new LayerList({
            view: view,
            listItemCreatedFunction: defineActions   

        function defineActions(event) {
        // The event object contains an item property.
        // is is a ListItem referencing the associated layer
        // and other properties. You can control the visibility of the
        // item, its title, and actions using this object.

          var item = event.item;
          item.actionsSections = [
                title: "Go to full extent",
                className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-fixed",
                id: "full-extent"

                title: "Attribute Table",
                className: "esri-icon-table",
                id: "attribute-table"

                title: "Layer information",
                className: "esri-icon-description",
                id: "information"

          view.when(function() {  

              layerList.on("trigger-action", function(event) {
              // The layer visible in the view at the time of the trigger.
              // Capture the action id.
              var id =;
              activeLayer = event.item.layer 
              if (id === "full-extent") {
                // If the full-extent action is triggered then navigate
                // to the full extent of the visible layer.

              } else if (id === "attribute-table") {
                // If the table action is triggered, then
                // open the attribute table

                var featureTable = new FeatureTable({
                  view: view, // make sure to pass in view in order for selection to work
                  layer: activeLayer,
                  container: "tableDiv"
              } else if (id === "information") {
                // If the information action is triggered, then
                // open the item details page of the service layer.






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