For 3.xx versions of the JS API, the PortalUser class has the method, getItem(itemId). This method enables a user to get the displayName and type and iconUrl of an item.
What is the equivalent method in the 4.0 version? I see fetchItems(), but that's it.
Ultimately, I am trying to get the displayName and iconUrl property of the item, not just the item's type.
For example, the item here has a displayName Feature Layer, the type is Feature Collection, and the iconUrl is here.
Screenshot from AGOL showing displayName, type, and icon from iconUrl of item:
The fetchItems method returns an items array of PortalItem
PortalItem | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0
Which as a "name", "thumbnailUrl", etc, etc
I'm not seeing the displayName and iconUrl on the returned object. See the console on the samples below :
I do not see where fetchItems() would return the displayName and iconUrl.
So you are saying that the thumbnailUrl and name properties of the PortalItem are not what you are looking for?
Correct. I am not looking for the title and thumbnailUrl. I am looking for the displayName and iconUrl. Looks like they're properties that are not doc'ed.
So when I get my PortalItem I see json like this:
"created": 1447941639000,
"description": "These are crime committed in Calhoun County Alabama",
"extent": [
"id": "dd84e9a127a640b2af1a7927d77f8c7e",
"modified": 1470161967000,
"name": "Crimes",
"ownerFolder": null,
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/logo-collections-100x125.png",
"title": "Calhoun Crimes",
"type": "Feature Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"ArcGIS Server",
"Feature Access",
"Feature Service",
"Hosted Service"
"url": ""
And your saying that the title and thumbnail is not the data you are looking for?
If I use the thumbnail property and add rest of the url like:
to it then I can get the thumbnail that I see when I browse to that feature service in my AGOL content.
Check out these two samples and open the console.
You will see 2 properties on the object, displayName and iconUrl in the 3.17 sample but not the 4.0 sample.
OK I see what you are saying now. I guess it draws down to JS API 4.0 is stable but not 3.x feature complete.
Hey Chris,
Looks like those two properties where calculated in 3.x. Looks like both properties were calculated by checking for various typeKeywords. Is there a specific reason why you need to use those properties in an app?
Hi Kelly , we use them in the Living Atlas and the Living Atlas Contributor application. I was using the displayName and the iconUrl to mimic what AGOL does (see image below)