Popups for map services do not work in newer versions of ArcGIS JS API

12-05-2023 04:14 PM
Frequent Contributor

Has anyone else noticed strange behavior with popups in the last several versions of the ArcGIS JavaScript API? It seems to start around version 4.24. (Previous versions would do the popup but without highlighting the feature.)

I’m using ES Modules, built with webpack, and a web map built with the new map viewer.

It seems like map services with more complex symbology don’t show a popup. I’ve checked the web map to ensure popups are enabled and configured. Popups also work in the web map itself. But once brought into a custom web app, the popups don’t always work.

Has anyone else noticed this?

8 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I did some further testing with very very minimal apps. It seems like 4.26 is when the popups stopped working for complex symbology in map services (I originally said 4.24). JS 4.24 does still have popups but without highlighting the feature. JS 4.25 has the popup as well as highlighting the feature, which is ideal.

JS 4.26, 4.27, and 4.28 all do not work.

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Honored Contributor

f you could provide a repro sample showing the behavior in codepen, github, or stackblitz, we could better debug.

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Frequent Contributor

I hope these help.

JS 4.25

JS 4.26

The Forest Service roads and road centerlines are in a map service. FS are the black and white dotted lines (more complex symbology). The road centerlines have symbology scales set for each road class (so local roads turn off when zoomed too far out, etc).

The blue lines are streams and rivers which are a hosted layer. The popups always seem to work on hosted layers in every version.

(Portal version is 10.9.1)

Honored Contributor

Passed this on for someone to look at, thanks.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Rene! Do you know if any progress has been made on this?

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Frequent Contributor

Has there been any progress on this? I'm also using Experience Developer Edition 1.11 and the same thing is happening.

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Honored Contributor

I believe there was a support ticket opened for this. That would be best route to track it. 

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Occasional Contributor

Same here with missing popups. In our case we have two layers with a disjunct definition query. One layer shows features with a specific attribute set to 1 (e.g. A=1). The other layer shows all other features (A<>1). One of this layers renders the popup, the other not.

A query directly to the REST endpoint shows, that the service and the layer are ok. The correct data is queried.

It's definitely a version problem in the Maps SDK. All popups are ok with version 4.24 and 4.25. Starting with version 4.26 up to 4.30, one of the layer doesn't render the popup. The build-in Map Viewer in the portal shows the popup, because it's running with 4.24.

So far we don't know what to do. What circumstances cause the popup not to render for an arbitrary layer? Any suggestions Esri?