Polygon with donut rendering abnormally.

11-29-2022 01:10 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have multi ring polygons which may or may not have donuts. In 3.x the polygons all render correctly at all zoom levels. In 4.23 the inner ring (donut hole) renders correctly until I zoom in past a certain level. 

If I use a 3D map the rendering is inverse what I expect. 

If I import a shapefile with the geometry at a zoom level that renders existing feature incorrectly the the initial rendering is correct until I change zoom level.

Any ideas???

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

Would be you able to share the json polygon geometry so that we can repro the behavior and debug? 




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Emerging Contributor

Hi Undral,

I attached the shapefile I used. I have variations of this with different numbers of polygon but this is the simplest. In the San Diego area.



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Esri Regular Contributor

Thank you so much for the shapefile. I will test it as soon as I can and will let you know what we find out. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

So I uploaded the shameful to ArcGIS online and added the layer to the JS API test app. I tested both in SceneView and MapView and I do not see the behaviors you describe. Here is a codepen: https://codepen.io/U_B_U/pen/LYrJXXb?editors=100


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