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OSGeo TMS in ESRI Javascript API

12-20-2011 11:57 AM
Deactivated User
Is it possible to consume an OSGeo TMS service in ESRI jsapi?  I understand that TMS is different than OGC WMTS.  Here is an example TMS service.
2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi, David. Is this comment is still need answer ?

In my understanding, Esri JavaScript API does not have class support "OSGeo TMS". But you could read "OSGeo TMS" as layer to create a custom subclass inherited from the WebTileLayer. In  NYC Map Tiles sites, you could find sample implementation of both Esri JavaScript API 3.x and 4.x.

This is an example)

      var TMSLayer = WebTileLayer.createSubclass({
        getTileUrl: function(level, row, col){
          var y = (1 << level) - row - 1;
          return this.urlTemplate.replace("{level}", level).replace("{col}", col).replace("{row}", y);


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Regular Contributor

Hi ShinjiKATAYA1,

Is it possible to integrate secured TMS Layer in ArcGIS Javascript App. My TMS  asks for username and password. (not credentials userid and token)



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