Hi all,
I have a problem with the ogc feature layer of version 4.19.
The shapes I got from ogc feature layers seem to be moved to a wrong place from where they should be under wkid: 102100.
So I had a closer look at the request being sent, and found this:
<my server url>?bbox=16160316.520044763%2C-4578272.246164739%2C16160622.268157903%2C-4577966.498051599&bbox-crs=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opengis.net%2Fdef%2Fcrs%2FEPSG%2F0%2F3785&crs=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opengis.net%2Fdef%2Fcrs%2FEPSG%2F0%2F3785&limit=5000&f=json
As shown here, the package is using epsg 3785 for query, but should this be epsg 3857?
Here's some reference links:
Hello - thanks for reporting this! We are investigating the issue.
@ljnio - thank you again for reporting this bug! It will be fixed in the upcoming release of version 4.20.
Brilliant. Looking forward to the upcoming 4.20!
Many thanks!