Mouse pan triggering sensitivity?

10-03-2012 10:48 AM
New Contributor II
It seems like the default behavior when mouse panning is enabled is that you must click without even moving the cursor a pixel in order to invoke an onClick; the slightest movement begins a pan operation.  This can make it frustrating for people who don't have very precise control over their hand when clicking.

Is there a setting which would allow the mouse to move N pixels between press and release and still be considered a click and not start of pan?  Or am I missing something else altogether in the pan behavior?


Rex Bradford
Direct Relief International
1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III
I'm not sure it's possible to change mouse event behavior in that manner. When the mouse is on the move the click doesn't register as an event. I just did a test in chrome & ff , in a desktop application and on windows desktop. Except for windows desktop, I was unable to register a click on a button, link, etc while moving the mouse. The desktop starts to lasso and then stops on mouse button up. A map seems to be a lot more sensitive to mouse events, possibly because there are some many connects to mouse events.

It's similar to erratic zooming when the user gets over zealous with the wheel.

If it's an issue accessibility, you could always connect to a key (e.g. ctrl) that fires the operation. I did something similar for a client who for some reason could not double-click close a polygon or end a polyline, to save her life.

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