Just ran into something strange today using Maps SDK 4.26
I am using the layerlist/legend widget and when I add more than 9 group layers to the map it breaks the elevation profile widget only to the point the ground layer isnt being read.
Anyone else experience this behavior?
I was having the same issue. I didn't realize that it was a group layer issue until I found your post. I did some experimenting and discovered that this issue started with the 4.22 release of the SDK. I substituted different webmaps with or without group layers and the behavior definitely changes. It works at 4.21, but not at 4.22.
I did a workaround instead of setting the ground to world-elevation that works. Here is the code:
const elevationWidget = new ElevationProfile({
view: view,
profiles: [{type: "query",
source: new ElevationLayer({url: "https://elevation3d.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D/ImageServer"}),
color: "orange",
title: "Ground elevation"}],
visibleElements: {selectButton: false},
unit: "feet",
container: "elevation-container"
This works with the group layers and should resolve your issue.