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Make layer re-render?

10-28-2017 01:11 PM
Emerging Contributor

I'm not sure if this is the most prudent way to go about this, so feel free to critique my code structure as well.

Okay, long story short, I have about a feature service that has tens of thousands of features. I only want the features contained within the current camera extent to be displayed, so:

  • I've created a feature layer from the REST service URL. I call this the 'internal' feature layer.
  • I've also created a corresponding 'wrapper' layer which 'wraps' around the internal feature layer.
  • This wrapper layer is what will be displayed on the map, and it's source will be set to the result of a query executed on the feature layer. It's sort of like the internal layer is a database table, and the wrapper layer is a view of that table.

So anytime the camera changes, I tell the wrapper layer to execute a query on its internal layer based on the current extent of the view. So far, so good. This all works in the code.

Here's the problem: The features aren't drawing. I've printed the JSON of the wrapper layer to the console, so I know that the source of the wrapper layer has been set to the result of the query correctly, but...

The features don't have symbols. 'symbol: null'

The internal layer has a Unique Value renderer that was built from the REST service, and when I create the wrapper layer I pass this render to the wrapper layers. I know that this renderer is present in the wrapper layer at the time of the query.

I can't figure out why the wrapper layer is not using it's renderer to generate symbols for the features, so I'm wondering if there is a function call that I need to make in order to make the layer redraw itself and use its renderer to generate the proper symbols.

Any thoughts or wisdom is appreciated.

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   Can you provide a sample of this?

Emerging Contributor

Of course! I've attached the full source code to the initial post for reference, but here are the relevant lines:

- This is the function with which I create the wrapper layers, using the inner layers. In this function the inner layers have already been loaded.

 // Returns a layer promise which has all of the important characteristics of the passed layer, and which carries a reference to the original layer in the property 'subordinate'
function createWrapperLayer( featLayer ){
  console.log( 'Creating wrapper layer for ', featLayer.title );
  // Grab the features in the featLayer which are visible to the initial extent of the view. Assign those as the source.
  // Wait for the results of the query to return, then pass it into the next function to be used as the resultant layer's source.
  // Here we read out all of the important information from the original layer
  var subTitle = featLayer.title;
  var subID =;
  var subFields = featLayer.fields;
  var subObjID = featLayer.objectIdField;
  var subSpRef = featLayer.spatialReference;
  var subGeoType = featLayer.geometryType;
  var subRender = featLayer.renderer;
  // We have to wait for the query to finish execution to create the wrapper layer
    function(visibleFeats) {
    // Now we create the actual layer
    visiLayer = new FeatureLayer({
      title: subTitle,
      id: subID,
      objectIdField: subObjID,
      source: findFeaturesInCameraExtent( featLayer ), // In order to execute this function, featLayers must already be loaded.
      fields: subFields,
      visible: true,
      spatialReference: subSpRef,
      geometryType: subGeoType,
      renderer: subRender
    // Here we add a prototype attribute 'subordinate' to the visiLayer so that we can access the feature layer again later
    visiLayer.subordinate = featLayer;
    // And return it

      function( vLayer ) {
        console.log( vLayer );

    map.add( visiLayer );

- This is the function which initiates the querying of the inner layers, and sets the source of the wrapper layer to the query's result(s)

// This is the function that will be called each time the camera changes. 

// It 

function updateVisibleFeatures() {
  map.layers.forEach(function(layer) {
    if ( layer.visible == true && != ) { // Cycle through every layer except for the bounds  

      // layer.subordinate is a reference to the internal layer that the wrapper layer is wrapped around

      // it is the layer that is built from the REST service, and contains all available features.
      visibleFeats = findFeaturesInCameraExtent( layer.subordinate );
        function( visibleFeats ) {
          layer.source = visibleFeats.features;
          console.log( layer );

        // Function that is called in case the promise fails
        function( reason ) {
          console.log( 'Updating visible features failed: ', reason );

And this is the subroutine that actually executes the query

// Function which, given a layer, will return the features of that layer that are contained within the camera extent.

// Function returns a promise, and the resultant featureSet should be accessed with the '.then()' function
function findFeaturesInCameraExtent( layer ) {
  var query = layer.createQuery(); // Create a blank query
  query.geometry = view.extent
  query.spatialRelationship = "contains";
  var results = layer.queryFeatures( query ) // Apply the spatial query to the layer, return a promise of the result
  // Returns a promise which, once resolved, will contain all of the features returned by the query
  return results;

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