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JSON (from Feature Layer Query) to html table

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04-05-2018 10:46 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to make a table directly from a JSON produced by a feature layer query.

I want to do the same that you can watch in this tutorial: JSON data to HTML Table using Ajax Jquery getJSON method - YouTube 

I try to use too some diferents plugins in wordpress, but no one work. I don't now why. Maybe is because this JSON format is not usual.

Any help will be appreciated

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New Contributor III

Here's the entire script for anyone interested - obviously it's called by another script so a bunch of the specifics are refactored out. Hope it's useful.

/*Paginated table builder via
    HAS: configured URL against the overlay layer, 1=1 where clause, specific out fields
      initial loading gif to accompany "Processing...", which doesn't really cover the initial load
function loadtable(overlayLayerUrl,lyrOutFields,sortableFields,sortColumn,displayStart,pageLength,totalOverlayFeatureCount){
  var colArr = lyrOutFields.split(',');  //pull the individual columns out of the lyrOutFields to build a custom column object
  var columnsObj = [];
    if ($.inArray(colArr[i],sortableFields) !== -1) {
      columnsObj.push({ 'data': 'attributes.'+colArr[i],'orderable':true }); //set the column to sortable
    } else {
      columnsObj.push({ 'data': 'attributes.'+colArr[i],'orderable':false }); //set the column to unsortable
  //build the AJAX URL - could probably get by with less params
  var tableURL = overlayLayerUrl+"/query?where=1%3D1&text=&objectIds=&time=&geometry=";
    tableURL += "&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&relationParam=";
    tableURL += "&returnGeometry=false&returnTrueCurves=false&maxAllowableOffset=&outFields="+lyrOutFields;
    tableURL += "&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&having=&returnIdsOnly=false"
    tableURL += "&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&gdbVersion=&historicMoment=";
    tableURL += "&returnDistinctValues=false&queryByDistance=&returnExtentOnly=false";
    tableURL += "&datumTransformation=&parameterValues=&rangeValues=&quantizationParameters=&featureEncoding=";
    tableURL += "esriDefault&f=json";
    destroy: true// delete and recreate table for sorting purposes
    order: sortColumn//initial sort column
    searching: false,
    serverSide: true//false would allow for nice native sorting but limited to the REST endpoint's default record count
    processing: true,
    displayStart: displayStart// set the page the user is on
    pageLength: pageLength// set how many records to show
    ajax: {
      url: tableURL,
      type: 'get',
      format: 'json',
      dataSrc: function(json) { // grabbing the data we want to display, also setting some params datatables uses for pagination
          json.recordsTotal = totalOverlayFeatureCount//set from the initial AJAX request for queryFeatureCount
          json.recordsFiltered = totalOverlayFeatureCount;
          return json.features;
      data: function(d) { // this is where datatables add url params for server-side processing
          d.resultOffset = d.start;
          d.resultRecordCount = d.length;
          //reference the request against the column array to customize the sort
          d.orderByFields = colArr[d.order[0].column] +" "d.order[0].dir;
          return d;
    columns: columnsObj,
    initComplete: function(settingsjson) {
      //show HTML content after load
      //make the page length drop down more compliant with WCAG for select
      //take the select element and place it after the label element
      $('#tableSpace_length').find('select').each(function () {
      //change the HTML of the label to be more compliant
      $('#tableSpace_length').children('label').html("Select number of records per page: ")
  });//end datatables function