Dear JS API team,
I am wondering what is it not possible in the editor widget to have an empty array of elements in the FormTemplate ?
If you set an empty array, all the attributes appear. You need to have at least one.
In my use case, I just want user to edit the geometry.
In the meantime, any workaround to suggest ?
Thanks for listening !
Rather brute-force way but you could do the following:
Add the above to your CSS.
const editor = new Editor({
view: view,
layerInfos: [pointInfos],
allowedWorkflows: "update"
Tweak the editor with the last line of the code: allowedWorkflows: "update".
Your users will only be able to select a feature and then update its geometry - the attributes will be hidden.
Issue is still there in 4.26.
Any thought from ESRI team ? Does it look like an expected behavior @HeatherGonzago ?
Thanks for listening !