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JavaScript WebAPI vs SDK for .NET

10-22-2015 11:10 AM
Deactivated User

Hello All,

I would like to know if all libraries are present between tools.  I mean, can I accomplish the same functionality in SDK for .NET and JavaScript?

Of course, it will be for different scenarios, but the question is: does the API for JavaScript has the same power as SDK for .NET?

Thank you in advance

Best Regards


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

As I understand things, if you need to develop a desktop app and stick with Microsoft products, use the .NET SDK. You can also develop native apps for mobile Windows phones; also, for the Windows app store.

This guide might help:

Design considerations—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers

Unless you are targeting Windows phone, I would be inclined to recommend the JavaScript API. You can host this within an ASP.NET application, or just use straight HTML5/JavaScript. You can get also develop responsive apps using Bootstrap and ArcGIS. Additionally, keep in mind technologies like PhoneGap - PhoneGap | Home

Write it once and deploy it everywhere!

Esri/quickstart-map-phonegap · GitHub

Depending on who you ask, some will say native apps are killing the web, or the web is killing native apps... pick your poison - no one can predict the future. I was a Silverlight developer 5 years ago; JavaScript was quant. Not so much these days; Silverlight is dead, JavaScript is king. I'm betting you'll get more mileage out of the JavaScript API.

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