Hi Community,
I am trying to modify the unique value renderer of a hosted feature layer. I do not get any error on executing save() operation of the layer but the unique value renderer of the layer changes in simple renderer (default renderer of feature layer).
I have attached my JS code below. Kindly let me know what I must be doing wrong.
import FeatureLayer from "@arcgis/core/layers/FeatureLayer.js";
import UniqueValueRenderer from "@arcgis/core/renderers/UniqueValueRenderer.js";
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
portalItem: {
id: ""//Hosted Feature Layer id.
const tempRenderer = layer.renderer.clone().toJSON();
const UniqueValueInfoTemp = {
label: "",//label of name
symbol: newSymbol, //Picture Maker symbol
value: "" //same as label
const uniqueValueGroup = tempRenderer.uniqueValueGroups[0].classes;
const newClass = {
label: "",//label of name
symbol: newSymbol, //Picture Maker symbol
value: "" //same as label
const renderer = UniqueValueRenderer.fromJSON(tempRenderer);
layer.renderer = tempRenderer;
await layer.save();
Guessing the issue where you are creating the UniqueValueRenderer. Please take a look at this doc and make sure you are setting everything right: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/visualization/data-driven-styles/unique-types/
Hi @UndralBatsukh ,
I have checked my JSON Object against the one mentioned in the link you provided they turn out to be same.