Essentially I would like to build a web application that allows a user to input values and have those value be multiplied by values in specific fields, thus changing the symbology of each feature (assuming they move across classes). I think this may be possible using the "renderer as a function" method in JavaScript, but I am not sure.
What kind of layers are we taking about? FeatureLayer, GraphicsLayer or DynamicMapServiceLayer.
If it is a FeatureLayer, it is possible, checkout this sample. Renderer using a function | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.17
Thanks for the tip. It is a FeatureLayer. The renderer using a function method seems like the best option, I just can't find any live examples of it being used in practice.
The sample thejus kambi provided the link to demonstrates how to do this. In a nutshell, you are passing a function with the following signature into the "field" parameter of the renderer:
// The function must have a graphic param to access field values
// this is just an example for demo purposes.
function weightedRenderer (graphic) {
var field1Val = graphic.attributes.field1;
var field2Val = graphic.attributes.field2;
var userInput1 = document.getElementById("foo").value;
return (field1Val / field2Val) * userInput1;
var renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(null, weightedRenderer);
You would also need to set breaks on your ClassBreaksRenderer, but that is independent of the function. This should be enough to get you started.
I figured it out for 4.x
JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging
var CustomSymbolRenderer =
getSymbol: function () {
var sym = this.inherited(arguments);
// Do what you want here to change the symbol
sym.color = new Color([Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + 1, .5]);
return sym;
Then use this Renderer in your FeatureLayer creation
var myLayer = new FeatureLayer({url: "myurl", renderer: CustomSymbolRenderer});