I have installed apache2.2/tomcat 7 on my windows server 2003. Apache is up. tomcat is up. Arcgis server 10.1 is up. I can connect to it from another machine with arcmap. I followed the instructions for installing arcgis_js_jsapi. However the instructions are only for IIS. So what I did was load it into the webapps directory in tomcat. Then I change the HOSTNAME AND PATH in the files listed in the instructions. Tomcat shows that arcgis_js_jsapi is running. Then I loaded the the arcgis webadaptor and configured it accourding to it's instructions. Now I am trying the to test it using the test map HTML file given with the arcgis_js_jsapi instructions. I doesn't work.
My Tomcat directories look like this: My tomcat webapps directory look like this [HTML] \webapps \arcgis /* this is the webadaptor \arcgis_js_jsapi /* the javascript library \library \3.2 \jsapi js \dgrid \dojo \esri \put-selector \xstyle
\jsapicompact [/HTML]
I did not change anything in the any WEB-INF directories. Should I?