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IdentifyTask times out on line segments

12-31-2020 11:30 AM
New Contributor

IdentifyTask times out.  Here is client side (relevant) code:

const pt: __esri.Geometry = new Point({
type: "point",
x: eve.mapPoint.x,
y: eve.mapPoint.y,
spatialReference: this.comMapView.spatialReference,

let identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(layerInfo.url);

let identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters();
identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
identifyParams.layerIds = [4, 44, 1];
identifyParams.layerOption = 'visible';
identifyParams.width = this.comMapView.width;
identifyParams.height = this.comMapView.height;
identifyParams.spatialReference = this.comMapView.spatialReference;
identifyParams.mapExtent = this.comMapView.extent;
identifyParams.returnGeometry = false;
identifyParams.geometry = pt;

identifyTask.execute(identifyParams).then(resp => { ... })

Looking for ways to optimize the task either on server side or client side, as results do return given sufficient time.  Do not want to increase timeout value which is currently at 60 s.

On the attached image, results return faster on green ellipse area (shorter line segments).  Seems to timeout for longer line segments (red ellipse area).

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