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IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE still gives identify results on all layers

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02-03-2012 09:36 AM
Deactivated User
I've used both the create layer list and the identify pop-up samples to create the following code (see first reply)

But if I turn of a layer in the layerlist it still is identified. How do i stop this from happening?
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Honored Contributor
It looks like you should be able just to add

identifyParams.layerIds = visible


   function executeIdentifyTask(evt) { 
        identifyParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint; 
        identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent; 

to give you

   function executeIdentifyTask(evt) { 
        identifyParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint; 
        identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
identifyParams.layerIds = visible 

Should work

View solution in original post

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26 Replies
Deactivated User
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  /*Opmaak Popup Window*/

  .esriPopup.myTheme .sizer {
   width: 400px;
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  .dj_ie7 .esriPopup.myTheme .titlePane .title {
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   color:#0095aa; /*kleur van de hyperlinks*/

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0 Kudos
Deactivated User
part two of the code

<script type="text/javascript"> 
      var djConfig = { 
        parseOnLoad: true 
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
   dojo.require("dijit.dijit"); // optimize: load dijit layer 

      var layer, map, visible = [];
   var identifyTask,identifyParams;

      function init() {
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_searching = "Zoeken...";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_noInfo = "Niets gevonden";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_nextFeature = "Volgende";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_prevFeature = "Vorige";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_maximize = "Maximaliseren";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_restore = "Vorig formaat";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_close = "Sluiten";
  esri.bundle.widgets.popup.NLS_zoomTo = "Zoom in op selectie";
        var initialExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent({"xmin":157741,"ymin":378600,"xmax":181240,"ymax":394100,"spatialReference":{"wkid":28992}});
  //setup the popup window  
        var popup = new esri.dijit.Popup({ 
          fillSymbol: new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([0,255,255]), 2), new dojo.Color([255,255,0,0])) 
        }, dojo.create("div"));
        map = new esri.Map("map",{
   extent: initialExtent,
   logo: false});
  dojo.addClass(map.infoWindow.domNode, "myTheme");//instellen dat de popup "myTheme" gebruikt
  dojo.connect(map, 'onLoad', mapReady);
  dojo.connect(map, "onLoad", function() {
  basemap = new esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer("");

        layer = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {opacity:.5});

        if (layer.loaded) {
        else {
          dojo.connect(layer, "onLoad", buildLayerList);

      function buildLayerList(layer) {
        var items =,function(info,index){
          if (info.defaultVisibility) {
          return "<input type='checkbox' class='list_item' checked='" + (info.defaultVisibility ? "checked" : "") + "' id='" + + "' onclick='updateLayerVisibility();' /><label for='" + + "'>" + + "</label><br>";

        dojo.byId("layer_list").innerHTML = items.join("");



      function updateLayerVisibility() {
        var inputs = dojo.query(".list_item"), input;
        visible = [];

          if (input.checked) {
        //if there aren't any layers visible set the array to be -1
        if(visible.length === 0){

    function mapReady(map){ 
       //create identify tasks and setup parameters  
       identifyTask = new esri.tasks.IdentifyTask(""); 
       identifyParams = new esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters(); 
       identifyParams.tolerance = 10; 
       identifyParams.returnGeometry = true; 
       identifyParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE; 
       identifyParams.width  = map.width; 
       identifyParams.height = map.height; 
       //resize the map when the browser resizes 
       dojo.connect(dijit.byId('map'), 'resize', map,map.resize); 
   function executeIdentifyTask(evt) { 
        identifyParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint; 
        identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent; 
        var deferred = identifyTask.execute(identifyParams); 
        deferred.addCallback(function(response) {      
          // response is an array of identify result objects     
          // Let's return an array of features. 
          return, function(result) { 
            var feature = result.feature; 
            feature.attributes.layerName = result.layerName; 
            if(result.layerName === 'Archeologie'){ 
              var template = new esri.InfoTemplate("", "<p><strong>Monumentnummer:</strong> ${MONUMENTNR}<br><strong>Waarde:</strong> ${WAARDE}<br><strong>Type:</strong> ${COMPLEX}<br><strong>Toponiem:</strong> ${TOPONIEM}<br><strong>Begin periode:</strong> ${BEGIN_PERI}<br><strong>Eind periode:</strong> ${EIND_PERIO}</p><p><strong>Toelichting:</strong><br/>${TOELICHTING}</p>"); 
   else if(result.layerName === 'Monumenten'){ 
              var template = new esri.InfoTemplate("", "<p><strong>Monumentstatus:</strong> ${Monumentstatus}<br/><strong>Monumentnummer:</strong> ${Monumentnummer}<br/><strong>Aanduiding:</strong> ${Aanduiding}<br><strong>Adres:</strong> ${Adres}<br><strong>Postcode:</strong> ${Postcode}<br><strong>Gemeente:</strong> ${Gemeente}<br><strong>Bouwjaar:</strong> ${Bouwjaar}<br><strong>Architect:</strong> ${Architect}</p><p><strong><a id=info href=${html} target=${target}>Meer informatie</a></strong></p>"); 
            else if (result.layerName === 'Rijksbeschermd stads/dorps-gezichten'){ 
              var template = new esri.InfoTemplate("", "<p><strong>Monumentstatus:</strong> Rijksbeschemd stads/dorps-gezicht<br/><strong>Naam: </strong>${NAAM}</p><p><strong><a id=info href=${KICHLINK} target=${target}>Meer informatie</a></strong></p>"); 
            return feature; 
        // InfoWindow expects an array of features from each deferred 
        // object that you pass. If the response from the task execution  
        // above is not an array of features, then you need to add a callback 
        // like the one above to post-process the response and return an 
        // array of features. 
        map.infoWindow.setFeatures([ deferred ]);; 
      //show map on load 


  <body class="soria"> 
    <div dojotype="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" design="headline" gutters="false" 
    style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0;"> 
      <div id="map" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center">
  <div style="position:absolute; top: 5px; text-align: left; right:5px; z-index:50" id="layerlist">
   <span id="layer_list" ></span>
   <span style="font-size:x-small;">Ondergrond: © <a href="" title="OpenStreetMap" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike" target="_blank">CC-BY-SA</a></span></div>
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
I also have this issue.  I'm using deferreds to identify from multiple services, but even if a particular layer in the service is not visible, it is still identified.  My identifyParameters variable is set to
identifyParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;
.  ESRI, what gives?
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
I was having the same issue. identifyParams.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE would still identify layers that are hidden (not checked in the dijit.legend).

I *think* the LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE pertains to the scale visibility, set in either the rest service or when the feat. layer is added to the map. So, if your at a scale within the layer visible scale range, it will identify, regardless if it's 'turned on' or not in the dijit.legend widget. I even tried adding LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE param to the begining of the click event, so the layer visibility list would be 'more up to date' but it didn't work.

I did find that the identifyParams.layerIds does restrict the identify layers, so I simply added this to the beginning of the onClick function, prior to identifyTask.execute(identifyParams):

//lets manually set the identifyParams.layerIds
//to the layers that are currently checked in the legend widget
var lids = [];
dojo.forEach(legendLayers, function(layer){
    if (layer.layer.visible === true){
identifyParams.layerIds = lids;
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
I was having the same issue. identifyParams.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE would still identify layers that are hidden (not checked in the dijit.legend).

I *think* the LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE pertains to the scale visibility, set in either the rest service or when the feat. layer is added to the map. So, if your at a scale within the layer visible scale range, it will identify, regardless if it's 'turned on' or not in the dijit.legend widget. I even tried adding LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE param to the begining of the click event, so the layer visibility list would be 'more up to date' but it didn't work.

I did find that the identifyParams.layerIds does restrict the identify layers, so I simply added this to the beginning of the onClick function, prior to identifyTask.execute(identifyParams):

//lets manually set the identifyParams.layerIds
//to the layers that are currently checked in the legend widget
var lids = [];
dojo.forEach(legendLayers, function(layer){
    if (layer.layer.visible === true){
identifyParams.layerIds = lids;

Thanks I've added your code but it's still not working. It still identifies sublayers which are turned off in the layerlist. I thought it is something with the lids and the build layer list. But I can't really pinpoint it.
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
Thanks I've added your code but it's still not working. It still identifies sublayers which are turned off in the layerlist. I thought it is something with the lids and the build layer list. But I can't really pinpoint it.

i should have added, my map contains all featureLayers. I then add the layer definition info to a legendLayers array; pretty sure I got this from the visible layers sample.

var legendLayers = []
var parcels = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer("restURL",{
        id: 'parcels',
legendLayers.push({layer:parcels,title:"Property Boundaries"});

after the click event, you loop over the legendLayers array, checking to see which layers are visible; if visible, add the layerId to the lids array.

console.log(lids) will tell you what layerId's are currently visible
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor
I had the same issue and resolved it like this.

I use this function from one of the samples

function updateLayerVisibility() {
var inputs = dojo.query(".list_item"), input;

visible = [];

  if (input.checked) {
//if there aren't any layers visible set the array to be -1
if(visible.length === 0){


I then added

identifyParams.layerIds = visible

In the relevant place and it all worked!

I was quite surprised

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Deactivated User
Thanks, I'm going to try it and I'll get back to you
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by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor
I think you are experiencing [NIM042441 The layerOption LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE not working as expected while using Identify Task.]. The LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE seems only response to the default visible layers in the map service.

To workaround this, as amarsden did, please assign the list of visible layer to the IdentifyParameters.layerIds property, which can force the identify task to only perform the find operation on the  specified layers.
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