I am new to this concept can you please guide me with some example code , For example
our requirement is to execute some sql queries by joining multiple tables/views and populate the results in html UI control like dojo combo box. Please help me.
Calling a restful service is quite simple using esriRequest:
_showImprovements: function(index, item){ var ppin = this.list.items[this.list.selectedIndex].ppin; this.shelter.show(); var requestHandle = esriRequest({ url: 'http://your server/your service/your function', content: { ppin: ppin, f: 'json' }, handleAs: "json", timeout: 10000 },{useProxy: true, usePost: false, disableIdentityLookup: true}); requestHandle.then(lang.hitch(this, function(improvementsJSON, io){ console.info(improvementsJSON); //do something with the retrned json here }), lang.hitch(this, function(err){ this.shelter.hide(); console.info(err); })); }