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how to put title in PopupTemplate?

05-23-2022 11:02 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I have this code:

      const template = new PopupTemplate({
        title:"test title",
        content: [
            type: "fields",

            fieldInfos: [
                fieldName: "name",
                label: "Name",
And so I add the template to some dot marks in a globe with :
 var pointGraphic = new Graphic({
          geometry: point,
          symbol: simpleMarkerSymbol,
          popupTemplate: template,
And everything works except for the title, uless I put the title inside content, but then it will be under the header and I dont want this. Do you know how to add the title in the proper place (header) ?
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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi @FredListy -

The code you have looks like it should work. Do you have an example of this issue in a Codepen that you can share? You could also compare this sample with what you have:

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