How to get URL of Portal for ArcGIS

01-01-2016 05:36 PM
Emerging Contributor

Anyone know how can I get my Portal for ArcGIS URL (ex. <name>

I need this URL to setup my Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Developer Edition and node.js)


Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)

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14 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I must be missing something... you go there... Portal for ArcGIS and copy the url in your browser

"" I put it in quotes if that helps

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Deactivated User

i got same question as Rifki...

i don't know what's the next after got the "client id and secret"

i mean i can't access the page like  this question

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MVP Emeritus


the url is the AGOL or portal is the site used to setup to get the AppID.

This ID is then used to run the dev editoon.  Check out the instructions I have in

Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder -  Developer Edition Installed

anothe he great resource for understanding how to install and use widgets us Installing Robert’s Enhanced Search Widget for the Web AppBuilder

and then check out the Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List ​ for a list of resources for the dev environment.


Emerging Contributor

Oh, it's mean that web App Builder is not free for use (because I have to buy license of Portal for ArcGIS and make AGOL account)...

Hmmm, can you tell me how to build Web GIS for free with ArcGIS (I just have ArcGIS desktop). Any plugin or other that can be used?


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MVP Emeritus

Nothing is completely free. Do you belong to an organization like a university etc?  Perhaps open source

Emerging Contributor

yes, I'm a student. But my university just give license for ArcGIS desktop...

Okay, maybe I have to use open source software...


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MVP Emeritus

you may have access to arcgis online line as well, I would check with your prof or the person that manages the site license.

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MVP Emeritus

You can get a free AGOL account for development...of course it is limit

Sign Up | ArcGIS for Developers

The free plan includes 50 credits per month so you can immediately start building powerful applications:

You need an AGOL  or  a Portal site,  not both.

as Dan mentioned, the university may have something set up already, but if not, get a developer account so you can play and learn for yourself.

MVP Alum

As rightly mentioned by Rebecca Strauch, GISP​, you could start with the ArcGIS Online trial license (Do not create a public account).

Also check how the credits are consumed Credits | ArcGIS for Developers .

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